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  • Cut Card - A faceless card of different color, usually red or black, that is used to cut a deck of cards.
  • D'Alenbert System - A staking plan where one unit is added for a losing bet and one deducted for a winning bet.
  • Deal - To give out the cards during a card game.
  • Deuce - A two in dice.
  • Dice - Two identical numbered cubes. (see Die below)
  • Die - Singular for dice, a cube with numbers on each side, 1 to 6.
  • Dime Bet - A $1,000 wager.
  • Discard Tray - A tray on the dealer’s right side that holds all the cards that have been played or discarded in card games like Baccarat, Blackjack and Poker.
  • Dollar Bet - A $100 wager.
  • Double Or Nothing - An even-money bet. A bet that pays off exactly the amount wagered.
  • Doubling Down - A betting option in blackjack where the player's opening two-card hand is turned face up and player's original wager is doubled. The player is then dealt one additional card only, to complete the hand. In the event that the player beats the dealer's hand or the dealer busts, then the player wins twice the amount of their original wager. If the player loses, then the player loses twice the amount of their original wager.
  • Doubling-up - The basis of some widely used systems. After a loss the player doubles the size of his previous bet hoping to win back the money lost and make a profit. Also known as the Martingale System.
  • Down Card - A face down card.
  • Down to the Felt - Totally out of money, broke.
  • Draw - Relates to the poker games. Basically it means to draw a card (e.g. if you need a card to make a straight, you are on a 'straight draw' or are 'drawing to a straight'. In 'draw poker' game, it means the second round of cards that are dealt. The word draw has slightly different meanings in different contexts, although generally it has something to do with receiving more cards, with the hope of improving your hand. Draw games are games where at some point during the hand you are allowed to discard some or all of your cards, to be replaced from the deck. Drawing two is thus exchanging two of your cards. 'The draw' is the point during the game at which players may do this. By default, when someone asks you if you want to play some draw, they usually mean five card draw. In other poker games, drawing simply means staying in the game with the hope of improving your hand when more cards come. When you stay in a hand with the hope of improving, you are said to be 'on a draw'.
  • Drop - Money lost.
  • Drop Box - On a gaming table, the box that serves as a repository for cash, markers, and chips.
  • Edge - An advantage over an opponent.
  • En Prison - (French word) The stake left on the table in roulette for another spin after backing an 'Even-money' bet and the outcome was zero or double zero. It is like a bonus, offered in some casinos.
  • Even Money Bet - A bet with odds of 1:1. A bet that pays you back the same amount that you wagered, plus your original wager.
  • Expected Win Rate - In slot machines, the percentage on the total amount of money wagered that you can expect to win back over time.
  • Eye in the Sky - Slang for video surveillance cameras used by casinos, usually placed on the ceiling above the gaming area.
  • Face Cards - The Jack, Queen, and King of any suit of cards.
  • Fifth Street - In seven-card stud, the third round of betting is called fifth street because players have five cards. In Texas Hold‘em poker, fifth street is the fifth card on board and the final round of betting.
  • Fill - In poker, to draw a card that makes a five-card hand (straight, flush, full house, straight flush).
  • Fill up - In poker, to fill a full house.